
Quill is a writer’s text editor that allows you to experience your stories.

Simple. BEAUTIFUL. Writing.



Quill lets you focus on your work through a clean, simple, and effective user interface.

Create your eBook

Export your work as Markdown or PDF. When your story is ready, go further and publish directly as EPUB.

Simple Configuration

Only the essential configuration options are at your fingertips. No need to scroll through pages of complex documentation. Quill settings are intuitive and simple to use.

Organise Projects

Whether you’re writing a short story or a novel, Quill organises your files using a simple directory structure.

Light Meets Dark

Beautiful light and dark colour schemes designed to optimise luminance, whilst still preserving colour contrast ratios.

Integration with Writing Assistants

Works out-of-the-box with writing assistants like Grammarly.


Thank you for your interest in Quill. Quill is in Beta Testing and can be downloaded for free using the links below.

Currently, only the Mac version (Intel and Apple Silicon chips) is available for testing, but Windows and Linux versions will be released in early Summer of 2023.

If you’ve tried Quill, we would love your feedback. Please consider creating an issue on our GitHub page.

How to report an issue, bug, or suggest a feature

  1. Head over to Quill’s GitHub Issues page
  2. Click the green “New Issue” button
  3. Select one of:
    • Bug report – an element of Quill that isn’t working as expected
    • Feature request – new features you’d like see in Quill